Quick note - What would have Berkshire Hathaway meetings been like if Charlie Munger ran them?

You can watch all of the Berkshire meetings back to 1996 and we recommend going through them at least once.

The 1988 gave a tiny peak of what could have been when Warren Buffett got pulled away for a moment. Charlie’s deadpan humour and bluntness would have likely gotten through 4-5x as many questions per meeting compared with the pair together. But we wouldn’t change a thing.

“I would like to know what your prediction is for Coca-Cola’s long-term growth versus Pepsi Cola’s recent efforts to increase their competitiveness with Coke.” “Yeah… uhh. Long-term I would expect Coke to continue to gain versus Pepsi.”

Personal Finance 101 for Canadians - Our thoughts on starting to save and invest

We have had a lot of people ask us over the years about how to get started in investing. We don’t mean how to value a stock. We mean actually setting up an account that you put a few dollars a month into. This article is intended for these people who are just starting to save and invest (which is a bit different than our core audience). If you are one of these people, read on! Link to the article below.

Is Essential Energy Services.. Essential? Value in the Canadian Energy Space - (TSX:ESN) Stock Analysis

Today we are covering Essential Energy Services. They are a Canadian based energy service company providing coiled tubing, downhole tools, and a little bit of equipment rentals. They are also trading below book value and cheap versus historical earnings (for a reason) in an industry that just might be finally turning around. Before we get into this, it is essential to understand the industry environment.

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