
I constantly see people rise in life who are not the smartest, sometimes not even the most diligent, but they are learning machines. They go to bed every night a little wiser than they were when they got up and boy does that help, particularly when you have a long run ahead of you.
— Charlie Munger

Finance Fans – 13Fs and other fun stuff - "The Definitive Collection of Buffett in his own words" – Selectively crowdsourced value investing ideas –  Saber Capital Management's letters pre and post-creation of the fund –  Value Investing | Market insights and news of the investment gurus. - The letters. Of course. 

Soul Food  – A solo trekker following her heart through the forests and up the mountains, looking to live a life inspired.  - Beautiful paintings, prints, and drawings focusing on the great outdoors of Canada.



Finance Books